Eh, I have them all the time.
Ask anyone.
On average, I hear "What in THE HELL are you doing?" more frequently than I hear my own name being called.

I also hear that more than 40% of artists have Attention Deficit Disorder.

Some accuse me of being among that number...
"Dude, I totally rocked that last shot! Huh? What bullet holes? Did you see this shot? It's awesome!"

I've also hear that 73% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
I also have a tenancy toward doing crazy shit.
Condoms on a Christmas tree is not a thought of a rational mind (Or so I'm told. I don't see a problem, really)

What was I talking about? Oh yeah, what the hell I was doing.
I have those moments while I shoot as well. Thank goodness I'm shooting digital and not film. I'd have had to sell my second kidney for film by now. (The first one is bookmarked for something else, I cant remember what off the top of my head, but it was really important, I know that.)
I though I saw something interesting...Click... (Drying paint has more appeal)
I saw something and wonder what I can do with the image in post production...Click...(Turns out not a damn thing)
I tried to be creative...Click...(Hmm..maybe I should try a few pints of Guinness before being creative next time.)
Sometimes it's a gear issue.
"I need a bigger fucking lens!"

On the plus side... I'm proud to say I've had those moments all around the world!
I blame the beer.

I'm pretty particular about what goes on my website, if I put up only my best stuff, it makes me look like I know what I'm doing.
When in doubt, I recommend faking it.
"Me and Ceaser go waaay back! No, really, we hang all the time! Strike a pose Jules!"

So, anyway, here are a few of those images....
Black and white at the Denver Botanical Gardens:

Polaroid transfer effect, Loch Lomand, Scotland:

Black and white, Punakaki, New Zealand:

Sunrise, Venice Marina, Louisiana:

Clown in Khowst, Afghanistan:

THE harp of Ireland. Like the national symbol of the whole country, no pictures allowed or else! That harp. (Yeah, I took a picture of it.)

Dubai, UAE (No pictures allowed in the airport. Take a guess where I took, go ahead, guess!):

Afghanistan. (Whaddya wanna bet the dude with the machine gun does NOT like having his picture taken?)

Blue Heron, Dennis Pass, Louisiana:

Well, there you go. I hope you enjoyed this somewhat entertaining look a my work and some of the crazy shit I do.
Hopefully it kept you on the edge of your seat.
"Yeah...totally...edge of my seat...."