Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Well...Look what I learned how to do!

Several of my favorite photographers use Photoshop to put a white border around their pictures and add text under them to make them look even more impressive. It's called a Gallery Print.

Guess what?

I learned how to do that today! Wooo-hoo!

Oh yeah, sure, if you're an old hand at Photoshop this ain't nothing new to you, but I'm a noob.

Best of all?

I also learned how to create an "action".

What's that you ask?

I now need but push a button and Photoshop adds the gallery print around the picture.

Click. Done.


(Oh, and if you ever find yourself in Ireland? Check this place out. It's amazing!)


  1. That's my favorite picture! It's framed and hanging in the bedroom. Post more when you "galleryize" them!

  2. galleryize a custom or 4
