Thursday, August 26, 2010

Damn internet.

I know, I came to look at a blog post about photography.

And there are no damn pictures on the latest post?

What in THE hell is up with that, you ask.

The internet at the airport sucks ass.

Yup, free internet that doesn't work. Can you imagine such a thing? I have half a mind to demand my money back....oh...yeah...shit.

Well, never fear! I have three, count 'em three, posts already written with the pictures to go with them ready to go. (You know, for the most part,'s me here.)

Upcoming posts include:

1. Your camera isn't a piece of shit and here's why!
2. HDR (or High Dynamic Range) photography? What in the hell is THAT?
3. Not good enough for the website but it'll do for the blog pictures, or Guinness induced photography.

Also, if you got here from my Facebook page, I told you you'd be disappointed.

Stay tuned!

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