I'm really kinda digging it here in Ghana.
The people seem to be really friendly, the work isn't overwhelming, the facilities are nice (awesome in fact) and there is a lot of stuff to take pictures of.
It's almost too much to mentally process. One of my drivers, Theo, took me on a tour of Takoradi yesterday. It reminds me a lot of Kabul. Not in a bad way, mind you. Open air markets, lots of colorful people wandering about and yes, it has that developing nation look to it. Unlike Kabul, everyone appears laid back and even though it looks poor, it appears there is enough to go around for everyone.
My only gripe is that I won't be able to see the rest of the country. I hear there are very nice wildlife refuges in the north. The map shows not one but TWO butterfly reserves! That sounds intriguing!
Now, the picture of the day and an explination of today's title....

Yes, that is a lizard on a BBQ.
No, the BBQ isn't on/we didn't eat him (No lizards were harmed in the making of this blog post)
NO Emily, I will NOT bring him home for you! You already have a dog, you don't need an African lizard too, yes, I know he's cute and that you'd take really, really, really, really good care of him. The answer is still no. No, your pouty face will not make me change my mind. Neither will crying. (Well, that might get me, but, no, I am still not bringing him home.)
He's a bit of a fickle fellow, sometimes he'll let me get pretty close and take pictures other times he's off like a shot. He does seem to like to pose for me though, he jumped up on the grill to see what I was up to. He also has a very interesting head bob thing that he does. It looks like he's doing push-ups.
Oh and yes, there will be more pictures from Ghana. I'll be putting them up on the website when I have them edited.
This post was technically for yesterday. It sounds like the doc and I might go to the beach later today, I think I'll do some long exposure shots of the ocean for today's post... Stay tuned!
Music for (editing and writing) today:
Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones
California Girls by David Lee Roth
Lords of Karma by Joe Satriani
Rock & Roll Ain't Noise Pollution by AC/DC
Dude Looks Like A Lady by Aerosmith
Music to upload to:
I Want A New Duck by Weird Al
Forever Man by Eric Clapton
Let Me Hear You Scream by Ozzy
Africa by Toto (HA!)
Brooke wants the lizard too
ReplyDeletegood thing you can't bring it back to the states
Cute, and a great pic!
ReplyDeleteAre you suurrreee that you can't bring just one home? Just one little lizard? For me? *flutters eyelashes*