This pic is a repeat from my SmugMug site...I know, you're thinking "Geez, already? They just started this blog..." but hang in there, and let me tell you where I'm going with this. Brian's post for the day got me thinking about composition - and I have to admit that for me, more often than not, good composition is as much accidental as anything else. When I posted this pic on SmugMug I got a lovely comment about the positioning of the dog in the frame, the reflected color of the sky...and I'd love to tell you that I was conscious of all of that when I snapped this shot. But the truth? It just seemed like it could make a good pic, so I took as many as I could as the dog was running toward me. I chose this one out of the group...well, "just because" I liked it. Nothing specific, just liked it better than the others. But one thing I'm discovering (and enjoying) as I learn more about photography is the power of "just because". While I do try to think about composition when I shoot, sometimes the pictures that turn out the best are the ones I take "just because".
I think we'd all love to say we "meant to do that", but Brian knows, and I know, and many other photographers know, many images are a product of...happy accidents. Sometimes you just have to be in the moment and the magic happens.