So as it often happens, I find my pic of the week after I'm done shooting whatever it is I thought I would take pics of that day. Case in point, the windows above. This is what I saw as I leaned back on the futon after picture-taking time was done - it's the afternoon sun through the clerestory* windows at the top of our stairs.

What I had intended to shoot today was my French horn. I did end up with several shots that I liked.

Of course it's a wonder that I got anything taken at all with this guy running around - is it me, or does he look just a little bit crazy? Ok, ok, not a little bit crazy.....a LOT crazy!

THAT's why I was gonna let the dogs eat him last week.... ;-)
*Thanks to MA Hatch for the new vocabulary word!
Happy to oblige with the vocabulary word! And who IS that person looking ready to attack? Looks like he needs to cut back on the coffee!! Love your pics - look forward to Sunday night so I can see what you post!!