There is one creative trick that I just haven't been able to get the hang of.
In camera image overlay.
Not sure what that is? Well, it's kind of what multiple exposure was back in the days of film. You take a picture and instead of rolling the film to the next frame, you shoot a second image over it.
I've seen some awesome results using film. Digitally? It's a hell of a lot easier to do in Photoshop, ending up with much better results. (At least compared to what I've been getting) If you've seen my Winter Solstice Eclipse picture, then you know what a positive result is. (Click the link already!)
I decided to try it today. I've also been getting the bug to go back overseas lately (Common Powerball, papa needs a trip to London!) so I pulled out my passport to shoot as a subject.
Thankfully, I have a tougher critic than myself. Emily. She has an amazing eye and I was not going to give this up until I got something that SHE liked. It would feel like giving up if I didn't.
I don't give up on nuthin. Not easily.
Unfortunately, the coolest looking pages were all stamps from Dubai, rather than someplace nice like Ireland or New Zealand. Oh sure, Dubai is nice, if you like taking acid while in Vegas.
So, here are the results:

Well, there ya go. Three shots merged into one in the camera rather than in Photoshop. Get it right in the camera as they say...
Oh, I also understand that my grandmother got high speed internet yesterday. I guess I cant swear anymore on the blog.
I mean....fudge. Sorry Grandma.
Music for tonight:
Trampled Under Foot by Led Zeppelin
Kiss Your Past Goodbye by Aerosmith
Love Ain't For Keeping by The Who
Walk on Water by Aerosmith
Time Is On My Side by The Rolling Stones
I Can't Tell You Why by The Eagles
Hold The Line by Toto
Until tomorrow...!
You have stamps on your passport of places most people just dream of! As always, amazing image.
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Grandma Hatch! You will be so impressed with what your grandson produces with his camera! He certainly has the photo gene.