It snowed a miniscule amount last night. Not enough to make some interesting subjects to go out and shoot today.
Not even enough to make the dogs happy.
It did leave behind a nice layer of hoar frost though. That's what Doug went out and shot today. He came back with some nice images.
I was right in the middle of editing images from last weekend's horse gymkhana. I didn't want to stop what I was doing, I know some folks are waiting on some of those images. I figured the frost would be there later.
Well shit, I was wrong. Maybe next time.
I did get a shot of a tree that I liked....

Remember to click on the picture once or twice to see it in a larger format.
I also sat down and weeded out a bunch of crap from my iTunes. That was a long time coming.
Music tonight:
Dr. Love by Kiss
Running With The Devil by Van Halen
Secrets by Van Halen
Surfing With The Alien by Joe Satriani
Girl Gone Bad by Van Halen
Cheap Sunglasses by ZZ Top
Until tomorrow....!
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