Have you ever had one of those days that felt like you had your whole day thrown in a blender and turned into a smoothie?
That was my day today. By the way, have you seen what they are putting in smoothies these days? Kelp...soy...wheat grass... I don't know about you, but if I want hedge trimmings in a drink, I'll go munch on whatever comes out of the lawnmower. If it doesn't come in a flavor of a Slurpie at the 7-11, I ain't gonna drink it. But I digress...
My day started at 05:20 today. I had planned on shooting the "Supermoon" setting over Pikes Peak as the sunrise illuminates Garden of the Gods. Emily mumbled "I love you, have fun on your own." as I crawled out of bed. Even the dogs had taken my spot in bed before I had a clean pair of underwear on.
If you follow me on Facebook, you'll already know what luck I had with that. The moon set 20 minutes before the sun rose.
I figured I might as well shoot while I was there and the light was nice. Until I was almost blown off a rock formation that I ought not have been on by the wind. Perhaps Mother Nature's way of saying "Piss off" ?
Still, I got a few nice shots:

I got back to my mother's house and started my traditional post shooting nap on her living room floor where the sun hits....only to end up in a turf war with one of my dogs who wanted the warm spot all to herself.
"Hey daddy, get bent."

Damn dog.
Later I went over to my Auntie Nanc's house to see if she'd managed to save her eternal soul overnight. She was proudly waving a printed picture of her in her confirmation outfit proving that she had indeed done it. Sounds like she spent all night looking for it.
I asked my Uncle Glen if it kept him up while she tore through stuff.
"Hell no, I went to bed. I know my Christian name, I slept like a baby."
I had to inform her that without her name, that picture is not much more than a boarding pass to the Pearly Gates. She called her other brother and sister back in Iowa. They both knew their confirmation names. She's screwed.
But on a positive note, it sounds like her pecker problem is getting better.
Auntie Nanc and I are both collectors. While I prefer rare action figures, comic books and camera gear, she collects angels, carousel horses and...pigs. (Don't ask, I don't know.) While she was enjoying her pecker-free morning and raking me over the coals for selling my Star Wars figures as a kid at a yard sale (yes, you were right), I turned her living room into a photo studio and shot her full sized carousel horse with a flash I had brought with me.

I had also promised Emily that we'd go shooting at Colorado College campus today too. There are some wicker-like sculptures that she wanted to shoot. Ma also suggested a chapel on campus as a location to go shooting. So we hit that up too. I got some nice stuff there.

I'm not much of a church man, but damn, those Holy Rollers sure know how to build some cool buildings. I guess I should have prayed for Auntie Nanc while I was there. Oh well. I'll sleep like a baby tonight either way.
We get back to Auntie Nanc's house and what do I find? Uncle Glen playing with his nuts out in the backyard again. I'd already shot about 8 gigs of pictures today. I was too spent to take any pictures of the bluebird that showed up to enjoy his treats.
Whew. What a day! And guess what? I got more family showing up in two weeks! Lord only knows what will happen then. But I'll be there with my camera, if I don't have a job by then.
Love Bites by Def Leppard
Surfing With The Alien by Joe Satriani
Body Language by Queen
Blue On Black by Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Cabo Wabo by Van Halen
Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution by AC/DC
Heavy Metal (Takin' A Ride) by Don Felder
Where Have All The Good Times Gone by Van Halen
Beth by Kiss
Rock the Casbah by The Clash
Hey You by Pink Floyd
Good Times, Bad Times
More fun tomorrow...!