Not ours mind you.
Not that we wouldn't love to have chickens here, but with all of the traveling we do, it's hard enough to get the folks to watch the dogs for a couple weeks on end. Can you imagine Emily's phone call?
"Uh, hey dad, I'm meeting Brian in some fabulous, exotic overseas locale for a vacation. His mom is going to watch the dogs. Would you watch our chickens?"
Of course, knowing my father-in-law...he'd be all over it. He'd have them laying on the sofa with him watching drag racing and eating potato chips by the end of the first day. By the end of two weeks, they wouldn't want to come home.
No, not our chickens, but rather David Tejada's chickens.
I had the great pleasure to work for Dave again today as his photo assistant. It's a little extra spending money in my pocket and a wealth of information on how to use small strobes to light people for portraits. As always, I learned tons!
Here's a shot of Dave to test out his set up before shooting his clients...

After I packed up all of the gear, he noticed that I missed a five dollar piece of equipment and teased that I might lose my job for that.
I told him I fired my last photo assistant for the same thing. He was surprised until I told him my assistant was my dog, Tess. I mentioned that the only thing I could ever get her to do on a shoot was wag her tail.
"That's more than I can get out of you." he quipped. Everyone is a comedian.
After the shoot we went back to his place only to find the chickens chilling out on the sofa in the sun room.

Huh. I'll bet they would indeed dig my father-in-law. Watch out Pop, you may be babysitting new animals as soon as your daughter sees these pictures....
By the way, not only did I take a few years off Dave's face in Photoshop, but I cleaned up that embarrassing piece of chicken shit off of the floor next to the sofa. Ever the invaluable photo assistant....
Music for tonight:
The Unforgiven by Metallica
Mother's Little Helper by The Rolling Stones
Welcome To The Machine by Pink Floyd
Hear About It Later by Van Halen
Brown Sugar by The Rolling Stones
No More Tears by Ozzy
Trampled Under Foot by Led Zeppelin
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