If you've been following the blog, you'll know that we spent last weekend in Colorado Springs visiting with Brian's family. We also got a chance to do a surprising amount of shooting while we were down there - and I got my first chance to put together an HDR photo!

Ok, it's maybe not the most exciting HDR pic in the entire world, but I've got to start somewhere, right? It's actually a pretty interesting technique that I suspect I'll have a tendency to overdo if I really get into it, so enjoy this tame introduction while you can.
After working on HDR in Aunt Nanc's backyard, we headed over to Colorado College to snap a few pictures of their outdoor art:

Of course it's not always easy to get the angle you want on things.

This is an installation by artist Patrick Dougherty. The picture doesn't really do it justice I think, but it's pretty cool stuff.
And here are a couple of pics from our last stop - Shove Chapel, also on the Colorado College campus:

Who knew the family weekend would turn into a mini photo safari?
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