First off, if you're a bit squeamish, bow our now. You won't like the picture. No one will hold it against you.
Are all of the sissies gone? Ok, good. Now down to business.
I've been learning a lot about flash photography recently and one of the modifiers all the pros use is called a softbox. It's a big, collapsible tent-like cloth device that fits on the end of the flash to create a larger surface area which will result in softer light.
I can't afford one at the moment, due to lack of a job. So, I thought I'd make one out of crap laying around the house. More on that in the post tonight.
While cutting a cardboard box, I sliced through the web part of my index finger. It didn't hurt much or even bleed a lot. But being a medical professional, I knew it needed stitches.
Just because I know how to suture doesn't mean I like having it done any more than you do.
Doug said he still had Lidocaine, instruments and syringes from Afghanistan and I still had suture and a head lamp I brought back. Emily wasn't too hot on the idea of not going to the ER until she realized I had no intention of doing this sober. She quickly understood that you can't PAY for entertainment like this.
So she poured me another beer and grabbed her camera.
Three pints Guinness and a small glass of Doug's rum later and I was ready to go. The booze did nothing to deaden the burn of the Betadine used to clean the wound. Oh, but the Lidocaine worked like a charm.
I am, apparently, quite the happy drunk, which made the whole process go a bit smoother. And hey, it was free!
This is the cut in question:

And Doug stitching it up...

And the results...

And yes, I took all of these pictures myself. The last two were with my iPhone proving that I always have a camera handy. Even intoxicated.
My cousin, Susan, confirmed my original question. I am the reason I can't have nice things.
I didn't even get to try out the softbox.
No music today, but I might have started with Have A Drink On Me by AC/DC.
Until later....
Great story man. Hope it heals up quickly.