I didn't post yesterday, but I did shoot.
I got up fairly early yesterday to have the most important meal of the day with my wife before she went off to work.
That meal would be....coffee.
While I was wandering aimlessly about the kitchen waiting for the coffee to finish brewing, I noticed that one and only one leaf on one of Emily's plants had a single drop of water on the tip, just waiting to fall.
That really wasn't the interesting part. The truly fascinating part was that the plant was still alive.
When we moved in together, I noticed Emily had a had a particularly bad habit of, well....killing her plants. It got so bad at one point that I started calling her Ms. Brown Thumb. (She didn't like that. Still doesn't, now that I think about it...)
I think she killed a cactus once.
Not only is this plant still alive but it is still sprouting new leaves. There are actually two other plants in the house that are growing on top of that.

You can see the frying pan I used as a backdrop completely in the drop if you look close enough.
Yup, it's looking good for the flora around here. Maybe in a few more years, maybe we can let her have a garden!
Music today:
Houses of the Holy by Led Zeppelin
The Show Must Go On by Queen
Love In An Elevator by Aerosmith
You Might Think by The Cars
Geez, you really can see the entire skillet in that drop, that's pretty cool...