I loved every minute in England. We had a blast. London is one of the coolest places on earth, the countryside was beautiful. Hell, even the food was great. I don't know where people get this conception that English food is crap.
So, imagine my surprise while working on my 30 Days and Nights on Broadway project, I found a fish and chips restaurant! It just happened to be right next to the place where I was planning on shooting today. Score.
I haven't had fish and chips since I've been home. It was quite tasty! I know the best place to get fish and chips in London, now I know the best place to get it here in Denver.
Here's your shameless plug, guys:

I'm also a big fan of English music. The Who, Pink Floyd...Led Zeppelin...The Rolling Stones...
Which was the subject of my shot today:

Technical shit: This is a three shot HDR picture with a Kodak Ektachrome 64 Pro emulation filter added. That's it. No sharpening, no noise reduction, just sandwiched the three shots together and hit the emulation software and LOVED the results!
I'm really digging shooting the wall art graffiti. I've started a new gallery on my website dedicated to this form of art. Keep checking back! Now if I could just find a wall dedicated to The Who....
Remember to click on the picture once or twice to see it in larger format!
Music for today: (It's a Stones kinda day)
Mixed Emotions
Beast of Burden
Gimmie Shelter
Paint It Black
Street Fighting Man
Sympathy For The Devil
...all by the Rolling Stones.
Until tomorrow...!
mmmmm fish n chips.... /drool