I decided to try my hand at star trails last night.
Never tried it before.
So, like anything else new that I try, I didn't reading up on it prior to doing it. I glanced at some material on the subject for all of three or four seconds to make sure I didn't make fundamental mistakes and jumped right in.
I took one picture last night. Just one. The exposure was 65 minutes. It's all well and good that my camera will take exposures that long. The down side is that the camera needs to process the shot for the same amount of time afterward. Not a problem if your shooting at 1/8000th of a second, but it took the camera an hour and five minutes to process the shot after I closed the shutter.
You're screwed if you want to take another shot in that span of time. Unless you have another camera body with you. (Which I did, just in case) Basically, my 65 minute shot really took TWO hours and ten minutes. Hence the reason I didn't write this last night. It was almost midnight before the shot was processed by the camera alone.
I got some interesting results. I got star trails alright. But it looks like I shot it at 9:30 in the morning rather than 9:30 at night. Some heavy post processing went into the shot.

I don't think it's bad for a first try. But it looks like it's back to the drawing board. Luckily, I just bought an e-book on just this type of shooting.
Be sure to click on the picture once or twice to see it in a larger format!
I'd like to thank Pandora for streaming an awesome array of 80's rock on my iPhone last night while I was shooting. 65 minutes of great classic rock.
Music for post processing:
Heavy Metal by Don Felder
I'll Wait by Van Halen
UHF by Weird Al
Good Bye Blue Sky by Rodger Waters
Mama I'm Comin' Home By Ozzy
Shot in the Dark by Ozzy (Ha!)
Until tomorrow....!
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